internal.txt This is part of the flight simulator 'fly8'. Author: Eyal Lebedinsky ( Modules ======= portable -------- ALTITUDE.C display HUD altitude AUTOP.C Auto pilot simulator BODY.C bodies mgmt COCKPIT.C draw instruments COLORS.C color mgmt COMMAND.C process user commands DEBUG.C debug support functions DEVICE.C graphics devices mgmt FLY8.C main program GETSTR.C accept user input with editing and history HEADING.C display HUD heading HUD.C head-up-display painter: graphics HUDMENU.C hud setup menus IFUNCS.C integer trig functions ILS.C display and manage the ILS system INFO.C screen text display INIT.C program initialization ITABS.C integer trig tables (generated by ifuncs.c) KEYBOARD.C keyboard devices mgmt KEYPAD.C LAND.C algorithmic landscape LOG.C print to log LOOP.C the main busy-loop of the simulation and display MACROS.C handle keyboard macros MAT.C 3D matrix handling MEMORY.C memory mgmt MENU.C menu interaction support MENUS.C menus used by the system MESSAGE.C handle display messages queue. NETPORT.C network access mgr (mid level) OBASIC.C object: plane - cross between Classic and F16. OBJECT.C 'object' data structure mgmt OBJECTS.C 3D objects mgmt OBOX.C object: box OBROKEN.C object: fragment OCHUTE.C object: ejecting pilot OCLASSIC.C object: plane - a wild spaceship. OCRATER.C object: bomb crater OGROUND.C object: ground (land) OGTARGET.C object: ground target OHOUSE.C object: house (land) OLOW.C object: low level ground (crash alert) OM61.C object: M61 bullet. OMK82.C object: MK82 bomb OPADDOC.C object: paddoc (land) OPLANE.C object: plane ORUNWAY.C object: runway (land) OSMOKE.C object: smoke particle OTARGET.C object: target OTOWER.C object: control tower OVIEWER.C object: viewer OXPLANE.C object: experimental plane PID.C automatic control logic PIPER.C display HUD radar piper PITCH.C display HUD pitch ladder PLAYER.C remote players maintenance POINTER.C pointing devices mgmt RADAR.C display HUD radar info RANDOM.C random pointing device emulator REMOTE.C remote comms interface (high level) SHOW.C 3D graphics wire-frame routines SKY.C algorithmic sky painting SOUND.C sound devices mgmt SPEED.C display HUD speed STFONT1.C stroke font (square, fast, cold) STFONT2.C stroke font (round, slow, nice) STROKE.C stroke character generator used in HUD SYSTEM.C system-wide functions TERM.C program termination TUNES.C tunes used for sound UTIL.C misc functions VIEWS.C render ann views (cockpit, HUD and all HDD) VMODES.C read in the fly.vmd file WINDOW.C windows and screen sizing functions Headers ------- COLORS.H color definitions FLY.H the main header HUD.H header for HUD modules NOTES.H used to define sounds (notes and tunes) KEYOFD.H --"-- KEYOFC.H --"-- KEYDEF.H key definitions (internal to fly8) KEYMAP.H key mapping to fly8 functions in the future this may be replaced with externaly defined key mapping. PLANE.H plane related stuff MSDOS ----- CONFIG.H non portable definitions DRIVERS.C lists all drivers, but otherwise portable. KEYPAD.C the keyboard as a pointing device (portable code except you may re-assign keys). CONSOLE.C low level PC keyboard access GRQC.C graphics device driver (using QuickC graphics) GRT4K.C graphics device driver (using low-level tseng4k access) MOUSE.C the mouse as a pointing device PACKET.C low level packet net driver (ethernet packet level) PCDOS.C miscelanious system functions (pcdos) PCSERIAL.C low level serial net driver SLIP.C low level packet net driver (SLIP protocol) SPEAKER.C PC speaker sound ouput driver STICK.C the joystick as a pointing device TIMER.C timer functions GETTIMER.C stanalone pgm to read the timer chip channel 0 SETTIMER.C stanalone pgm to set the timer chip channel 0 to mode 3 MSUBS.ASM fast fixed point math, replaces some C functions. MAKQC.TOP makefile for portable files (QuickC) MAKQC makefile for msdos files (QuickC) MAKC7.TOP makefile for portable files (C7) MAKC7 makefile for msdos files (C7) FLY.INI configuration file FLY.BAT short batch file for running fly8 GRQC.VMD graphics modes for grqc.c GRT4K.VMD graphics modes for grt4k.c UNIX/X11 -------- CONFIG.H as above CONSOLE.C as above DRIVERS.C as above MISC.C as above MOUSE.C as above UNIX.C system services for UNIX NOSOUND.C dummy sound driver. TIMER.C as above GRX.C graphics driver using X11 MAKEFILE.TOP as above MAKEFILE as above FLY.INI as above FLY short script for running fly8 GRX.VMD graphics modes External support ---------------- Interrupt driven, buffered serial line support library (com.lib). Standard graphics (microsoft C library). Fast 256 color VGA graphics (gr.lib). Packet driver C interface (pktdrvr.lib). Input line editing routine (util.lib). High resolution timer support (util.lib). Other files ----------- FLY.INI parameters file (read) FLY.LOG log file (write) FLY.MAC keyboard macros save file (read/write) Porting ======= A minimal set of drivers will include: DRIVERS.C adjusted lists CONSOLE.C low level non-blocking keyboard access GRxxx.C graphics device driver KEYPAD.C the keyboard as a pointing device OpSys.C miscelanious system functions NoSound.C dummy sound driver TIMER.C timer functions Program structure ================= main() is in fly8.c. After setting everything up (mainly initialize()) it calls user_command() [in command.c] which talks to the user. Whenever the program is in a busy wait it calls Sys->Poll() which calls idle_loop(). This last one [in fly8.c] decides if it is time to show another frame and does so. It also drives the simulation program. The program should have NO HARD WAITS!!!! The keyboard driver MUST do the poll when waiting for a keystroke. Sys->Poll(int mode) has two modes: 0 poll all low level devices but do not call idle_loop() 1 do everything. This is to allow the main body of the simulation/rendering to call Sys->Poll() to enable sound etc. that needs constant polling. An important issue is the separation of function between the different program layers. All objects have a 'native' world which is termed here a 'player'. There is the one 'native' player and many remote players. A player is identified by the pair (int netport, char address[]) which are treated as a black box. The remote player handler (remote.c) exchanges messages with remote users through a netport which is managed separately (netport.c). The messages are moved as packets. The same packets are then handed over to the network drivers (each enviroment had different ones) which does NOT have any understanding of the contents. A netport is directly related to a network access point (usually some hardware device) and the program can handle nore than one of these concurrently. While the low level programs (netport.c and net drivers) know nothing about fly8, remote.c knows a lot about it and knows how to talk to the netports but cannot control the net directly. During the design of the program (i.e when looking back at the blind at-the-keyboard programming sessions) various functions had to be placed at the prefered level - not always clear were that is. For example, the program can collect multiple logical packets and hande then to the network as one large real packet. The mechanizm for that ended up at the netport level. It could as easily have been left to each driver to do it when appropriate, or it could have been pushed up to the remote handler (who originally build all packets) to take care of that. One day the large header (fly8.h) will be split to reflect this layering and enforce more structure on the whole system. One day. e_plane.misc[20] allocation --------------------------- 0 LIFETIME(p) autopilot: millisecs to next randomization 1 SPEED(p) autopilot: desired speed 2 HEADING(p) autopilot: desired heading 3 ALTITUDE(p) autopilot: desired altitude 4 NEWTGT(p) time left for new target notice 5 Cm 6 high res R[Z] when on-ground 7 ... 8 pull up time 9 millisec life of water-line marker 10 autop: command speed. 11 bombs in flight counter. 12 autop: command pitch 13 autop: command roll 14 ILS glide path deviation 15 ILS localizer deviation 16 pullup cue relative angle 17 pullup cue time e_plane.opt[10] usage --------------------- 0 [0-2] flight model: 0=basic, 1=classic, 2=xplane, 3=yplane. 1 [1-9] controls response (damping factor) 2 [01] use linear controls (all) 3 [1-9] turning speed (classic only) e_imported.misc[5] allocation ------------------------------ object.misc[5] allocation -------------------------- 0 bullet count for non ET_PLANE objects (imported planes). 0 viewer type for O_VIEWER (local). st.misc[20] allocation ---------------------- 0 last elapsed time 1 last video_time 2 last stats[27] 3 last stats[28] 4 last stats[29] 5 last stats[40] 6 plane dynamics minimum interval 7 sega glasses port [0 means none] 8 buttons mode. 9 flush log rate st.stats[100] allocation ------------------------ alloc used for ----- ---- --- 0- 9 comms 0 bytes sent 1 packets sent (physical) 2 bytes rcvd 3 packets rcvd (physical) 4 rcvd bad packet: crc & player OK but not collected by any object (player.c) [but player playing]. 5 rcvd bad packet: driver internal 6 rcvd bad packet: bad crc 7 rcvd bad packet: player unknown (if short of mem?) 8 send packet failed: sync (driver level) 9 send packet failed: async (driver level) 10-19 graphics 10 out->out (clipper) 11 in->in (clipper) 12 in->out/out->in (clipper) 13 hard: out (clipper) 14 hard: fail (clipper) 15 hard: in (clipper) 16 lines processed (per frame) 17 - 18 coms: low level soft send failure. 19 millis to next autoconnect 20-29 misc 20 com test count, input [pcserial.c] 21 com test max 22 com test total 23-25 same, for output 26 elements in display list 27 time for objects display calcs (NOT video) 28 time for objects simulation 29 sync time 30-39 video totals 30 bg/fb time (hud, test, sky etc.) 31 number of frames 32 total frames time 33 total video time 34 total [27] time 35 total [28] time 36 total [29] time 37 total [30] time 38 - 39 - 30-39 memory, misc 40 debug.c error count 41 log last write time 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 memory bytes max used 46 memory bytes alloced 47 memory bytes now used 48 memory shortage (failed) 49 memory shortage (total) 50-59 coms 50 recovered lost objects 51 objects timed out 52 bad packages received 53 rcvd packages 54 sent packages 55 rcvd noise packets from non-players 56 rcvd out of order packet 57 - 58 - 59 - 60-69 graphics debug 60 x < 0 (Move) 61 x > width (Move) 62 y < 0 (Move) 63 y > height (Move) 64 x < 0 (Draw) 65 x > width (Draw) 66 y < 0 (Draw) 67 y > height (Draw) 68 line draw bad op 69 - 70-79 misc 70-76 running total of 10-16 77 78 total MoveTo executed. 79 total DrawTo executed. 80-89 temp counters 90-99 temp counters st.flags GP* usage ------------------ DF_GPW activate model Y instead of F. DF_GPX show HUD graph DF_GPY model F: fundamental=no-pitch, or linearized=do-pitch. DF_GPZ model F: set FUNDAMENTAL mode pointer.a[4] usage ------------------ Analog functions are: 0 right/left turn 1 up/down turn pointer.b[30] usage ------------------- logical functions are: 0 power up 1 power down 2 level (fly straight north) 3 return to origin (x,y,z=0) 4 stop (speed=0) 5 fire 6 rudder left/right 7 rudder center 8 stable (stop turning) 9 ... 10/a flaps 11/b spoilers 12/c reset roll 13/d air brakes 14/e wheel brakes 15/f gear 16/g power 100 17/h after burner up 18/i release lock 19/j wheel brakes (fine control) 20/k air brakes (fine control) 21/l trim right/left 22/m trim down/up 23/n trim reset pointer.opt[10] usage --------------------- 1 [pn] set x coord direction 2 [0-3] set x coord function 3 [pn] set y coord direction 4 [0-3] set y coord function 5 [0-9] set left button function 6 [0-3] set right button function 7 [0-9] set x coord sensitivity (mouse only) 8 [0-9] set y coord sensitivity (mouse only) 9 [01] read twice (joystick only) Asyncronous events ------------------ The only current such events are network traffic arrival. The two packet drivers slip.c and packet.c work in this way. pcserial.c expects characters to be delivered-to/retrieved-from routines in the serial library. NEW() DEL() [memory.c] and deliver_packet() [netport.c] may be called from interrupt routines and are protected by Disable/Enable. The structures manipulated in this way are: memory allocation. netport incoming packets queue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- example of a dummy netport driver: ================================== static int far com_init (NETPORT *np, char *options) /* Initialize netport 'np' with user options 'options'. 'options' is the * unparsed string that the used supplied and is a list of options separated * by colons. Use the get_?arg() functions to retrieve the options. */ { return (1); /* always fail */ } static void far com_term (NETPORT *np) /* Terminate netport 'np'. */ { return; } static int far com_send (NETPORT *np, PACKET *pack) /* Send packet 'pack' to netport 'np'. * If 'pack' is zero then this is an indication that this is the last packet * so drivers that send multiple packets in one message will send what they * have. */ { return (1); /* always fail */ } static int far com_receive (NETPORT *np) /* Receive all packets from netport 'np'. Used only by drivers that do polled * receiving. */ { return (1); /* always fail */ } extern struct NetDriver NetDummy = { "Dummy", 0, com_init, com_term, com_send, com_receive }; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------